Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Clearing up the Rogers Confusion: Marks and Manufacturers

There are a number of makers of silver (both sterling and silverplate) that use the Rogers name. This post is an attempt to create a list, history, and database that will make this situation a little less confusing. I do not imagine that I will be able to get everything down in one go. This means that this post will probably be edited several times. If you have any questions please feel free to leave a comment. If you are able to use any of this information please link to the page.

One of the first things to think about are the companies. Lots of companies used Rogers in their name.  These companies formed, merged, separated, folded and absorbed by each other.

The second thing to think about are the backstamps or marks. Many companies used marks with the name Rogers in it. Many of these marks ended up being owned by two major companies International Silver Company and Oneida. Before that many of these marks were owned by a variety of companies and were bought and sold through a variety of business cycles.  

List of Companies with Rogers in the name.

Joseph Rodgers and Sons

     Sheffield England
     1682 - Present

Asa Rogers Jr. & Co.
     1832 - 1838
     Renamed from Rogers & Cole

Rogers & Britten
     West Stratford Connecticut
     1880 - 1882
     Taken over by Holmes and Edwards

Rogers & Brothers
Rogers Brothers

      Waterbury Connecticut
     1847 - 1855
     Asa Rogers
     Simeon Rogers
     Leroy S. White
     David B. Hamilton
Mergers and Notes:
     1855 Changed name to Rogers & Bros. Mfg. Co.
     Joined International Silver Company in 1898
     Marks used until 1976
     (Star) Rogers & Bro. A1
     R. & B.
     (Star) Rogers & Brothers, 12
     (Star) R & B
     Manor Plate

                                                       This marks is found on hollowware

Church and Rogers
      1825 - 1841
     William Rogers and Joseph Church

Rogers Brothers Manufacturing Company
Rogers Bros. Mfg. Co.

     1853 - 1861
     William Rogers
     Asa Rogers Jr.
     Simeon Rogers
     Merged with Rogers, Smith & Co. in 1861
     Part of International Silver company

C. Rogers & Brothers
     Meriden Connecticut
     1866 - 1903
     Cephas B. Rogers
     Gilbert Rogers
     Wilbur F. Rogers
     Bought out by International Silver Co, in 1903
     Trademarks retired by International Silver Company

Rogers & Cole
     New Britain Connecticut
     1830 - 1832
     Asa Rogers Jr.
     John A. Cole
     Coin Flatware

Rogers Cutlery Co.
     Hartford Connecticut
     1871 - 1879
     Merged with Wm. Rogers Mfg. Co. in 1879
     Merged with International Silver Company in 1898

F. B. Rogers Silver Company
     Shelburne Falls, Massachusetts
     1883 - 1886 to present
     Absorbed West Silver Company.

Moved to:  
     Taunton,  Massachusetts
     1886 - Present
     1955 Bought by National Silver Company
     Bought by J.C. Boardman in 1985


Frank W. Rogers
     Hartford, Connecticut
     1875 - ?
     Frank W. Rogers

Rogers & Hamilton Company
     Waterbury, Connecticut
     1886 - 1898
     Merged with International Silver Company 1898
     Charles Alfred Hamilton
     William H. Rogers - Cigar dealer hired and made secretary so the Rogers name could be used.

Henry Rogers, Sons & Co.
     Montreal Canada
     1909 - 1915

H.O. Rogers Silver Co.
      Taunton, Massachusetts
      Dates unknown

J. Rogers Silver Co., Inc.
     Little known

Rogers, Lunt & Bowlen Co.
     Greenfield, Massachusetts

Rogers & Mead
     Hartford Connecticut
     1845 - 1846
     William Rogers
     Asa Rogers
     J.O. Meade

Rogers Park Silverware Co.
     Chicago Illinois
     ? - 1895

Rogers Silverplate Co.
     Danbury, Connecticut
     1869 - 1922 - Early 1950s
     Nathaniel Burton Rogers
     Cephas B. Rogers
     Gilbert H. Rogers
     Relations to the C. Rogers & Brothers in Meriden Connecticut
     Purchased by Cephas B. Rogers II manufactured under Rogers name until 1950s.


Simeon L. & George H. Rogers Co.
S.L. & G. H. Rogers Co.
S.L. & G. H. R. Co.
     Hartford, Connecticut
     1900 - 1929
     Absorbed by Wm. A. Rogers Ltd. in 1918
     Absorbed by Oneida in 1929
     Marks used by Oneida


Rogers, Smith & Co. -There are Two of these! (but they are related and end up in the same place)

Rogers,Smith & Co. 
Meriden Connecticut

January 1, 1857


William Rogers Sr.
George W. Smith

August 12 1862 with Rogers Bros. Mfg. Co.

August 12, 1862 their flatware division was sold to the Meriden Britannia Co.
The Rogers left to work with them.

Edward Mitchell of the Rogers, Smith and Co. bought the hollowware division.

Rogers, Smith & Co.
New Haven Connecticut

November 6, 1862


Edward Mitchell

January 13, 1863 bought by Meriden Britannia Co.
Continued in New haven using Rogers, Smith & Co. marks
June 1865 plating shop moved to Meriden Connecticut - Marks will read Meriden
Move completed by January 1, 1866
All facilities incorporated into Meriden Britannia Company by 1877

By 1898 when the International Silver Company was formed it was a trademark owned by the Meriden Britannia Company but had ceases to produce as a division.

Rogers & Spurr Mfg. Co.
     Greenfield Massachusetts
     1879 - ?    
     David C. Rogers
     George F. Rogers
     George W. Spurr
     L.C. Pratt

     Made flatware
     Took over George W. Spurr & Co. 1873 - 1879
     Mark reads: Rogers & Sons Greenfield, Mass

Wm. A. Rogers, Ltd.
      This is a big one that will take some time as well.


William Rogers & Co.
     1841 - 1855
     Coin silver
     Became Rogers Bro. Mfg Co.
   (eagle) Wm. Rogers & Co. (Star)
   Mark taken over by Simpson, Hall, Miller & Co.
   This is then taken over by the International Silver Company

William Rogers Jr.
     Also a big name that will take some time.

William Rogers Mfg. Co.
     Hartford Connecticut
     1865 - 1898
     William Rogers
     William Rogers Jr.
     Thomas Birch
     1898 merged into International Silver Company
     Marks continued use in International Silver Company
     Became a division of International Silver Company

     Anchor Rogers
     (Anchor) Rogers (Anchor)
     1846 (Anchor) Rogers (Anchor) AA
     1865 Wm Rogers Mfg. Co.
     Wm Rogers & Son
     R.C. Co.
     Rogers Nickel Silver
     (Anchor) W. R. & S.
     Rogers Cutlery Co.
     Wm. Rogers Mfg. Co. Hartford Conn.
     Rogers Brand Silver Plated Ware
     Cunningham Silver Plate (for Ocean Spray cranberry sauce premium)
     (anchor) Rogers (anchor) XII

Wm. Rogers Mfg. Co. Ltd.
     Niagara Falls, Ontario
     ? - 1905
     Bought by Wm. Rogers Mfg. Co. in 1905 a division of International Silver Company 

Wm. G. Rogers
     1901 - 1915
William H. Rogers

     Hartford, Connecticut
     1888 - 1915
     (Sword) Rogers A1

William H. Rogers Corporation
     Plainfield New Jersey
     1901 - 1904
Rogers, Wendt & Wilkinson

     New York New York
     January 1860 -  August 1860 
     John R. Wendt


  1. Thanks for all the work you've done. I've got a lot of Rogers silverware & this helps get it straight. ??Was N.F. Nickel Silver Co absorbed by a Rogers company? I'm not having any luck finding info online about this company. Thank you for any info & thanks again for your compilation.

  2. Quadruple
    New York
    Symbol Mark:
    Left side- Iron Cross
    Right Side- Pot (?)
    Who is the maker? What is it made from?

  3. I have several Silverware they have R.u.B.90 printed in the back of them, so which one are they ?


  4. I have a table spoon WM A ROGERS HOTEL PLATE W/ ONEIDA in a arc around LTD. The plating is about all gone looks like brass base metal.

  5. Hey. I am a metal detectorist. I found a spoon I have been trying to ID. It has no silver on it. Looks completely copper. Has patina on it from it sitting in the ground. The marking only says, ROGERS NICKEL SILVER. its not fancy. But very plain and ordinary.
    Can you help me ID, or roughly date this spoon? I will provide you a link to my blog with the pictures. The patina, and ground acid has worked on this spoon for at least 60+ years. My guess would put it at around 1900-1930 if not older. Just looking at it suggests so. If its copper. As it appears. But. I am no expert in Oregon soil. Nor do I perform soil tests in areas I search.Though, I do dig enough metals to know that this is not an item lost yesterday. I cleaned the area that had the spoons ID on it. And left the rest as found. If it was silver plated. It wasn't done very well. And if it had metals like zinc mixed in. That would explain its weakness as zinc is just eaten up in the soil where I live. It decomposes fast.
    Scroll down to the bottom of the post. And you will see the post. My email is listed on the right.

  6. Anonymous said...
    New York
    Symbol Mark:
    Left side- Iron Cross
    Right Side- Pot (?)
    Who is the maker? What is it made from?

    This is WM.A. Rogers, LTD
    The "pot" is actually called a keystone.
    This symbol was placed on low grade silver plate.
    It is from New York or Ontario depending on when it was made.

  7. lkteague said...
    I have a table spoon WM A ROGERS HOTEL PLATE W/ ONEIDA in a arc around LTD. The plating is about all gone looks like brass base metal.

    Its probably a copper/zinc mix. The plating process allows a base metal to have a thin coat of silver placed on top. Hotel plate was made under the Rogers name by Oneida and usually had a thicker plate because it received more wear. Hotel plate is collectable and some people specialize in it. I have a blog post about that somewhere.

  8. Urban Archeaology,

    Sorry it took me so long to respond. Your item was made by a silver plate company but is not plated it is a unique alloy created by the company and was sold as a lower grade item that skipped the plating process. I looked at the pictures you posted and it just seems to have oxidized a bit in the soil. The pattern you have is a fairly common one that was made by many many makers and usually does not have a special name. It is called in almost all cases "plain" This pattern is so common that it is still produced today for stainless flatware. In most cases the pattern would help in dating but this one does not. This spoon could have been made anytime between 1830 and the start of WWII. Metal shortages would prevented it being made during the war and then stainless would have become more common as a material. In all likelihood this spoon was made between 1900 and 1930 like you guessed. Below is a post about nickel silver I wrote some time ago.


  9. I have several Silverware they have R.u.B.90 printed in the back of them, so which one are they ?


    Matt, I have no idea. If it was R & B that could be two different makers but I have never seen this.

  10. I have a fork and knife that appear to be from the same set. The back of the fork reads ROGERS(anchor)XII. The blade of the knife reads
    12 DWT.
    Can you identify? Thanks.

  11. Thanks so much for clearing this up! I've been confused about my flatware, some Rogers Bros. and some Simeon & George Rogers. Now I get it. Your effort is appreciated :)

  12. Carie G. glad it was of some use to you. Are they different patterns?

  13. Anon. They are from the same maker, William Rogers Mfg. Co.just made at different times. Some patterns were in production for years and the marks changed over time. Some makers even made the same of similar patterns as their competition.

  14. I have a teapot marked (eagle)Wm Rogers(star) then 02 below that.

    1. I have a tea strainer/infuser to put on tea cup with maybe (eagle) Wm ROGERS(star) underneath that is: EPNS WMMTS then one the next line : I think 125/1 or 925/1. Cannot find marks anywhere

  15. I have a tea pot with Marks:

    Simeon L. & George H.
    Rogers Company
    S.P. Copper

    What does sp copper & lead mts mean?
    The handle is black; do you have any idea of what it was made of?

  16. what about w.m roggers&sonnaa

  17. I have a piece that has the Meriden B Company in the circle and ***Rogers Bros underneath of it. Underneath that, there is a 2024, and then underneath that, there is US Americana. What year does this date back to?

    1. Marks are a poor way to tell date. Style is a better indicator,

  18. I have a 6 pc. set of what I think are FRUIT KNIVES that says ROGERS & BRO WATERBURY,CONN WITH A STAR IN FRONT OF ROGERS. I have been unable to find the pattern or year they were made, after looking at over 500. It seems to have pear with leaves pattern on the handles. We found them in my 90+ year old Aunts basement. Also in the case were 6 same type knives with STERLING SILVER CO. TRIPLE PLATE WRITTEN ON THEM, with plain smooth handles.

  19. Jim Kelley...
    I have a soup tureen with a raised "coin-style" Rogers & Bros Triple Plate insignia on the bottom. It has a clenched fist in the center of the coin with what looks like lightning bolts coming from it. It also has the number 1675 on it. I would like some help in determining its age.

  20. Jim Lagle -

    I have a sugar bowl w/o lid. The marking is Wm Rogers followed by a star. No eagle. Im assuming it is silverplate, possibly from the 1930's. The design is more intricate. Can you confirm any of this for me please?

    1. If I could see a picture of it I might be able to.

  21. I have a Roger silver basket stamped-
    R Rogers R
    BM * MTS
    with an upsidedown wreath with a bow on the bottom on capital R's on each side I cant seem to find a stamp like it. The basket itself stands 3.5" with handle down.
    Any information would be helpful, its either a bridal basket or cake.


  22. Hi--

    I recently purchased a set of silverplate flatware. I have been searching online to identify the maker, and the pattern, to no avail. The pattern is quite distinctive--a Japanese pagoda or temple, with a descending cascade of five-lobed flowers, fairly deeply struck. The mark is H.O. and HO within a diamond. I would greatly appreciate any help you can provide! HW

  23. I've got a silver/silver plate chalice or goblet with the Rogers, Smith & Co, New Haven Ct. No.12. Do you have any idea how old or its value? Thanks so much.

  24. Hi can any one help me. I have a silver or silver plated roll over lid butter dish with Made and Guaranteed by Meriden Germany on it then ***Rogers Bros 5060 USA stamp covers part of it. I have some photos of it. I will add an email address, so if any one would be able to help me that would be great. ruby_DeGrey@yahoo.com

  25. I have a Wm. A. Rogers type goblet with E.P. Brass, Italy on the bottom. Is this the same. I haven't seen any with Italy.

    Mrs. Prattis

  26. I have a Meriden B Company, elk footed piece...which has number 1874 on bottom. Does anyone know anything about this piece?

  27. I have a unique shaped spoon with: J.Rogers, an anchor shape and then the intials JS. Any thoughts?

  28. We have a Rogers Smith Co Hartford Connecticut 114 footed turning cruet set with 6 crystal cut bottles with tops, all parts in excellent condition. Is this silver or silver plate? It belonged to my great grandmother -- any idea how old it is and how much it is worth? It is 14 inches high and 9 inches wide. Many thanks.

    1. It is probably silver plate and it is (depending on condition) worth 40-95 dollars. If all the bottles are intact and original it may be worth more.

  29. Item: large Rogers Smith & Co, Hartford, Con. Item # 4541. It is a footed oval bread or fruit basket, I think, measuring 11" x 8.5", 4" tall or 9.5" with extended handle. To me it doesn't look as old as the cartouche seems to indicate. Can you help date this basket without having a picture?? I so would appreciate it. THANKS!!!

  30. I have very unusal teaspoons that are ornate and oddly shaped. On the back is Rogers with 2 anchors on each end that I have identified on this site. After the anchor is AA By the spoon head says patent July 3 07...I am assuming these are 1907 seeing that they were my great grandmothers. Can you tell me what I have? Thanks. And what the SS means? Are they real silver?

    1. You are correct the pattern date is from 1907. They are in all likely hood silver plate. However, I cannot tell for sure without a picture.

  31. I have 2 Pynchon lemon forks from Rogers, Lunt, Bowlen Co., but 1 fork has a key to the right of the hallmark. What does it mean?

  32. I have a Rogers Smith & Co., New Haven, Conn. 1860 footed, two handled piece. It has the initials BJB engraved on the front. It is quite dark in color. Does that mean it has to be polished or should it look like that? I don't know its use or value. Would appreciate any help.

  33. I have a tray that says:
    IS (with boxes around them)

    Can you tell me what it is?

  34. Anonymous,

    I have a tea pot with Marks:

    Simeon L. & George H.
    Rogers Company
    S.P. Copper

    What does sp copper & lead mts mean?
    The handle is black; do you have any idea of what it was made of?

    SP copper means Silver plate on Copper

    Lead MTS means lead mounts =solder so there is nothing to worry about with the lead.

    The handle in all likelihood is a stained wood or an early plastic.

    Hope that helps.

  35. Larry,

    The odd shape could be beacuse they are not teaspoons but another serving piece. The 07 means 1907 and that is the year the pattent on teh pattern was filed. This can help you lookup the pattern. AA is the "quality of plate" and is a marketing scam that silver-platers used at the turn of the century. I ca't really tell you what you have without seeing it. But I suggest you submit it here:


  36. Anon,

    You wrote "I have a Rogers Smith & Co., New Haven, Conn. 1860 footed, two handled piece. It has the initials BJB engraved on the front. It is quite dark in color. Does that mean it has to be polished or should it look like that? I don't know its use or value. Would appreciate any help."

    You should polish it with "Hagerty Silver Polish" Follow the directions on the bottle and use only 100% cotton cloth.

    Without seeing the piece I could not tell you the use.

    For value submit your piece to this site:


  37. Jim Daddy,

    It is most likely silverplate unless it is marked as sterling. It sounds like a nice piece. I could not tell you how old without seeing the piece. As for value please submit your piece here:


  38. I have a sugar and creamer marked "William Rogers 4810" - can't find anything on this mark - anybody know what it is?

  39. I have a silver serving or tray or tray that has
    Please tell me who is Kenton and what 1719 represents. Any help is greatly appreciated

  40. I have a some Flatware that matches the Memory pattern 1937 exactly by wm Rogers. But the length and relative handle, blade size do not match. There is an eagle Wm Rogers star followed by Al Plus Then a I S in indention.
    Can you help. Frank

    1. Could it be a butter knife instead of a dinner knife?

  41. I have a silver set with the following mark : anchor ROGERS anchor XXII I S
    Where might I find a reference to this mark, the composition and value?

  42. I S is for International Silver Co..

  43. I have a fork....stamped on back is Rogers (star) Bro A1(AL maybe) 12. Can anyone tell me why I have the star between the Rogers and Bro and what does A1 or AL mean and along with the 12? It is the Olive pattern.

  44. Wow a lot of great hard work and information, thank you, thank you very much. However, I am still confused about the which marks are sterling apposed to plated.

    Most sterling and plated ware are marked as such making it easy to determain what ones are silver or plated. The problems I am having relates to marking that do not include or say is it is plated or not.

    For example the Rogeers marking with the two anchors (anchor Rogers anchor) it has no other markings with it stating if it is plated or sterling nor are there any numbers stating how much silver content like .800 or .920.

    My question is, can something have such markings without it saying sterling and still be silver like the "anchor Rogers anchor" or must sterling be stamped into it?

    Can you reccomend a good a book that will help with that or do you have one in PDF I can buy and download?

    Thanks again.


    1. In general because of the higher price and the fact that a customer wants people using their silver to know that it is sterling if it is american made it is marked sterling. Early american silver, english silver and european silver (and here I mean sterling silver) may not be marked sterling. I once lost out to my brother in law because he knew the sterling marks for Germany and I passed up the piece thinking it was silver. Pretty much any bookstore will have an introductory book on silver that will help clarify this. Hope this helps.

  45. I have in my posession many pieces that has been passed down through my family, all of which have been documented from generation to generation. The piece in question is a silver tray on pedistal base with ornate side handles and swing handle. It is marked "Rogers Smith & Co. New Haven Conn Dated 1826". So far everything that I am finding on this maker suggest that they were not in business until 1857 or 1862. But I have the original Last Will & Testiment of my GGG-Grandfather, who passed away in 1847, and in it he bequeathed this piece to his daughter, my GG-Grandmother, who passed it on down the line. My GGG-Grandparents were married in 1790. They built their first home in 1795. My GGG-Grandmother passed away during childbirth in 1834. Never remarrying my GGG-Grandfather later passed away in 1850. So how is it that Rogers Smith & Co. did not go into business until 1857? I have found no marks listed that match the mark on this piece. Does anyone have more information that might be helpful?

  46. I have a full set of flat ware with the (eagle) wm rogers (star) then it has the number 4 after it. Does anyone know what the 4 means. I think it is all coins silver but not 100% sure what that 4 means

    1. Unless it is very thin it is unlikely to be coin. The 4 is a mark the manufacturer used.

  47. I have a round platter with the eagle Wm (the m is underlined) Rogers star with the numbers 111. Is this silver plated?

  48. Hi,

    Would you have time to look at some photos of two WM & Rogers pieces that I have? I would like more info on them.

    iceponygoddess AT Gmail DOT com

    1. The best way to tell age is by style, You ccan send me pics at redavis001 (at) gmail.com

  49. What date range would the Anchor ROGERS Anchor be from? I have a sterling set of candle holders and would like to know when they were made. Thank you so much for your time.

    1. The best way to tell age is by style, You ccan send me pics at redavis001 (at) gmail.com

  50. I have a 24 piece forks knife spoons that says wm rogers and son, warranted 12 dwt. It looks really old my grandmother passed away and I found it..would you might know anything about this? Thanks ms franklin

    1. Usually the 12 DWT is a sign of older plate or of hotel plate.

  51. I have 4 spoons that is the "America" pattern. On the back it say's J.Rogers with a anchor symbol X11. The America pattern runs into the mouth of the spoon. I can't find this spoon anywhere on the internet. Can you help me?

  52. I have whaT I think is a (Rogers & BRO)cake bowl/tray. On the back is the hand holding the arrows. Also there is a number engraved on it 1743. Is that a piece number or the date it was made or something else? Please advise

    1. That does not sound like a rogers piece. It si rare that the numbers unless in an engraving denote the date a piece was made.

  53. For checking out the value of your material I suggest you submit to this website:


  54. Hello, I posted about two piece of 1847 Rogers Bros. A1 serving spoon and fork, but havent seen the posting or heard back from you. I check my spam too. Please email or post your answer here. Thank you for her help.

    1. The best way to tell age with forks is the pattern. If you look up the pattern you then know when they started being made. Most patterns were not made for any great length of time so that gives you a reasonable date range.

  55. I have what I think is a dipping spoon. All it has on it is R. & B. Al and a Rose on the front and back. Do you have any idea who makes it and what it may be worth? Thanks

    1. For all of you asking for age and value:

      The best way to determine age is by seeing a picture of it. Like many other things Silver went through styles that help date the period.

      For help with value I suggest you visit this site:


      This gentleman can help with value and age.

  56. I have a plate with an eagle Wm ROGERS star, the m is underlined says 811 under that and a stiker that states Electroplated with 24kt gold. I read your information at the top but cant seem to get at least a time period date on this plate. Have an idea?

    1. Pattern dates would be the best way to date this piece.

  57. I have 2 peices that have Anchor Rogers Anchor sterling 202 15/2 can you help with the history?
    Does it have a value as it is all in perfect shape other than needing a soft polish. the Glass bowls are threaded to fit into the base.

  58. Please help evaluate 4 forks that have Anchor Rogers Anchor XII

    1. Without a pattern this is very hard to do because the manufacturer stamps were used for long periods of time.

  59. I have a candlelabra marked Wm Rogers followed by a star...can't make out first mark? Any information?

    1. This piece of hollowware is probably in a common pattern. This would give you an age range.

  60. I have small tray that I recently purchased. It could've been a sugar & cream or jewellery or something of that sort. It is beautifully embossed throughout the face with a small space in the middle left for I guess, engraving names and messages.

    At the back it has the following engraved:

    Any idea what these mean and how much this may be worth?

    Thanks for any help that you can provide. My e-mail address is: rockswirl@gmail.com .

    Thanks again,


    1. The manufacture is clear. S.P. on copper means silver plate on copper. This tray is probably piece of hollowware that matches a pattern in their silverware. Find the pattern and you have a date range.

  61. Hi. i have a candle holder that has W.A Rogers 1520 S.P LEAD in a box stamped on the bottom. I noticed that you have not listed this particular mark. So is mine a fake? (mine doesnt have a "m" after the "W') also what does the number 1520 stand for? Im trying to figure out the date and if it's worth anything. Thanks!

  62. Hi I looked at a lot of different Sites and haven't found the exact makers mark yet but close. I have a rogers& bro cake serving plate the makers Mark is simply... (star) Roger's&bro. No other letters or numbers Can anyone tell me what year it made or any other info

    1. Its is made by Rogers & Brothers. You will need to identify the pattern in order to fide a date range.

  63. I have a serving tray, tea pot and what I believe to be a tea pot. The bottom says TRIUMPH
    (anchor) WM ROGERS & SON. The m is underlined and smaller. The serving tray has a 16 after it. Any idea if it's sterling or silverplated, how old it is and what it's worth? Thanks for your help.

  64. alright, i got a what appears to be silver bowl, that just says in capitals on the back very neatly, ROGERS.

    I wish to find whether it is silver or silver plate. the tarnish is black and streak like and it is pretty light for its variety.

    any ways you can assist would be appreciated.

    1. This is most likely plate. With that mark I am going to guess mid 20th century. (1960-1990)

  65. I have a silver serving tray that has the mark that looks like a bird or angel WmROGERS and a star. Can you tell me what company and what the value is?

  66. I have a silver serving tray that has the following marks on it: a bird or an angel WmROGERS and a star next to it. Can you tell me the company and how much it might be worth? Thank you.

  67. What cool info - I wonder if you could help

    I have a 8 piece coffee/tea service set that includes 3 different sized pots, a fairly large covered serving pot (sugar?) a covered butter serving dish with sliding top, vase for milk and a vase for sugar? and a large rectangular serving tray. All ornately etched with a floral pattern. The markings says simply
    Rogers Bros A1
    West Meridan
    Inside a shield like a police might use with
    1951 below it

    Any thought about value? How do you tell if its silver plate or what?

    1. This is plate. It sounds older. You can look for the pattern to tell you the age range.

      For all of you asking for age and value:

      For help with value I suggest you visit this site:


      This gentleman can help with value and age.

  68. Thank you!!! We have a silver spoon engraved with initials and with the Rogers&Bro A1 "stamp" on the back. Your research is great and very helpful to trying to figure out who it possibly belonged to.

    Our stamp also includes an 8. Would that refer to region it was sold in or the pattern number?

    Thank you for your information!

    1. Not so much a pattern number as a manufacturer code.

  69. I have not been able to find information regarding the XS Triple and A1 stamps on the back of silverplate flatware made by 1847 Rogers Bros. company. I have a feeling XS Triple means triple plating but need help with definition for "A-1"

    I did see an old 1847 Rogers Bros. magazine ad for sale on Ebay discussing "XII, extra plating on the tips, heals and handle ends."

    1. A-1 and XS were just marketing terms that silver manufacturers used to make their product sound better.

  70. my name is sonny and my mema has a set of rosedale manor plate triple I S silverwere and i have not been able to find any useful info on this matter , as it stands i understand that this is a 43pic.set! id like to know aproxametly the date this set gose back to

  71. After extensive search of this site its opening information and all the Q&A i haven't found a close to decimated manufacturing period. I have a cream and sugar bowl set the appears to be silver plated. Only marked are the Eagle/Wm Rodgers/star. Could this be an item produced before the I S took them over. I do not know how to post a pic. I will email to any requesters. Thank you

  72. My email is Edward.tocco@yahoo.com

  73. I have a silver piece that someone told me was called a Bridal Basket. It is stamped Rogers.Smith & Co. New Haven Conn. Date stamped 1826 and has an engraved number of 964.

    Can you tell me anything about this piece and it's value?

    1. For all of you asking for age and value:

      The best way to determine age is by seeing a picture of it. Like many other things Silver went through styles that help date the period.

      For help with value I suggest you visit this site:


      This gentleman can help with value and age.

  74. Thank you for the blog. It was very informative to provide me with the meaning of S.L.&G.H.R.Co. on a gravy ladle and the dates 1920-29. The ladle was in my mom's silverplate chest and had probably belonged to her mother (maybe), since mom was born in 1920. I will now check with my aunt to see if there are other pieces to the silverplate puzzle.

    I appreciate the detailed research that you have shared and I look forward to returning to identify some of my silver and silverplate treasures.


  75. We have 2 silver plate coffee pots recently acquired from an auction. One is Marked Rogers Smith & Co. New Haven Conn with the number 1903 below the mark. The other is marked Wilcox Silverplate Co. Quadruple plated with crossed hammers in the middle and the number 143 below the mark. Can you tell me when these pieces were made? And any other info would be greatly appreciated. I see that the Rogers piece must have been made after 1862. Thank you for your time.

  76. your site has been very imformative. Be assured i will return.

  77. Hi. I have a tarnished syrup pitcher and tray. The stamp on the bottom reads, "Meridean B* Company," and is stamped 15. Is the 15 the number of the piece or the number of the smith who made it? It has a monogram on it. "To: Miss Densie De Lano From Chaffe V. Smith." Does this mean anything? There are grapes on the lid with the stem, the hinge is perfect

  78. Hi, I just found your informative web site, decided to clean up an old silver set ,and now want to ID the past. The knives read, anchor ROGERS anchor 12, Hartford, Conn.
    The forks read, star Rogers &Bro. A1. These pieces are quite heavy and in good condition. I would like to add more pieces if possible. To pass on down, could you please give me any info. On these pieces. Thanks, Barb

  79. I have a coffee urn with the Rogers Smith & Company, New Haven mark...with a 1887 date. You said above that Rogers merged with Meridian in 1863 and their marks were changed to Meridian CO in 1865. Any ideas on my mark? Thanks

  80. I have a fork that is stamped 'Charles Rogers Superior' I have never seen Charles Rogers listed as a part of any of these Rogers companies. It is very plain and no pattern. Have you heard of Charles Rogers connected to these Rogers Silver ware companies?
    Thanks, Susan randomreflections@ameritech.net

  81. Fred Holland HollandAugust 11, 2012 at 8:29 PM

    I found a single knife. Possibly butter. Short handle, long blade. Not sharp. Rogers & Bro. 2nd line. nickel Silver.
    Very corroded. Greenish verde like copper.
    Any ideas of age. Looked etched, not stamped. Similar to machinist rulers.

    1. I have a blog entry for nickel silver here. Do a search and it will tell you all about it.

  82. I have a large butler tray with the grape motif that is etched with Z65 or 265 X -9
    What does the formula mean?

  83. Hi I have what I believe to be a baby spoon with a complete round handle the stamp is of an EAGLE then W.M.ROGERS then A STAR then IS ....please can anyone identify the year and if its silver plate or silver

    1. If you (anyone) finds out please post, I would like to know as well ;-) I also have noticed no word about this. If anyone has a clue I would like to know too please *smiles* eagle mark and star mark in the middle Wmrogers

    2. The mark tells you the manufacturer and that will then help you visually identify the pattern. That will give you the year(s).

  84. Thank you so much for this blog!
    It certainly is helping me sort through a friend's box of spoons.
    I have two items that I cannot identify - any suggestions would be appreciated.

    1- small ladle about 3 inches long with 1547 Rogers Bros. then A1 in slightly larger font
    2- unusual fork with 2 regular tines and a third much larger tine. CHAS H Rogers A1 then in larger font 12

    1. Pattern identification would help here. Look for similar items in the same style by that manufacturer. Keep in mind however that not all patterns years are identifiable. I have a box of silverware that is still a mystery. A lot of the manufacture information has been lost over the years.

  85. Hi, nice collection of info! I have a piece with a mark and pattern I couldn't find anywhere... (anchor) WM ROGERS & SON AA

    It is a scallopped julep strainer with a decorative handle. I would enjoy any info on this that you could provide, and would gladly share a pic if you care to see. Thank you!

    1. Does it have a star in the middle? Julep strainers are fairly rare and I can only think of one pattern I have ever seen.

  86. I have a spoon that is stamped:
    (4 legged cross) WR (Keystone)
    I see what looks similar to it in your images here, but I do not see it WITHOUT the periods after the "WR".

    Is this authentic, or a manufacturer taking dishonest advantage of the William Rogers reputation?


    1. There are a lot of variations so it is probably authentic.

  87. I have a odd shaped fork that appears silver to me but I know there's also silver plated. On the back of this fork it has a star infront of the inscription "Rogers&Bros Al" I believe after Rogers&Bros is a capital A and a lower case L but again, I'm not sure. If anyone knows what this means and whether or not it is in fact sterling silver or silver plated, that would be great. Please email me as BumLerner99@hotmail.com with any info you may have or other websites I could check out that might be able to help. Thank you!

    I also have an odd shaped spoon that says "yourex associated silver co." on the back of it. Again, if anyone can tell me if this is sterling silver or just silver plated, please use the email above and feel free to contact me with any information you may have. Thank you again and I hope there's someone out there that can help me! Thank you!

  88. I have a soup or sugar spoon with the stamp 'wm.rogers mfg. co.' and next to that is 'original rogers'
    The pattern looks like a Fleur de Lu, I have not seen the pattern yet on any of my searches. Any thoughts on year and pattern?

  89. I have 3 small ladles marked MERIDEN SILVER PLATE CO. on the back of the handle . Can yougive me the value, year, and maker of these spoons.

    1. For all of you asking for age and value:

      The best way to determine age is by seeing a picture of it. Like many other things Silver went through styles that help date the period.

      For help with value I suggest you visit this site:


      This gentleman can help with value and age.

  90. I was just given a serving spoon 1847 Roger Bros. Triple XS. In looking up info only 'lace pattern' is mentioned & this one has delicate grape clusters & grape leaves. Does anyone know the name of the pattern?

    1. There are many grape patterns. They are very popular and some of the most valuable silver plate utensils if they are in good condition.

  91. I have the following:
    5 3/4" spoon - WM.A.Rogers then the words "Silver" on top and "Nickel" underneath and both words in brackets; then what appears to be a horseshoe with something in it. The minimal pattern on the front looks a little like a seashell.

    2 small spoons (5 3/8") with GILDE 90 in two separate but connected recesses with rounded corners.

    1- 5 7/8" spoon with Pat.Sept 11 '06. Flower design.

    2 teaspoons - WM.A.Rogers A1 PLUS - ONEIDA LTD. These two match with leaves and dots.

    1 teaspoon - PATAUG 21'17 - WM.ROGERS & SON AA

    1 spoon (5 15/16")pointed with serrated tip - WM.ROGERS MFG. CO (recessed).

    1 fork (4 1/4") - ONEIDA LTD. in raised letters.

    1 soup spoon (6") - R.W.& S. A1

    I would appreciate any information you could provide. I recently found these items while digging around an old abandoned farm. I know next to nothing about this subject. Thanking you in advance!!

    1. Search for nickel silver on this site and your first question should be answered. The others would be best identified through pattern identification.


  93. Years ago I was given 6 R.C. Co forks. Note from person reads pattern 1915 DeFancy or DeSancy , are they worth anything? Thank U.

  94. I have a small pitcher that says Rogers Silver Guaranteed 1901 on the bottom. Is it silver? Can it be polished? Does not seem to want to shine like silver. Thanks

    1. It is probably silverplate. Sometimes due to the life ti has had a silverplate object loses its plate and can no longer be polished to a high shine. Other times because of how/where it was stored or used the plate becomes so oxidized that it will appear shiny on parts of the piece but will not polish on the others, this usually ends up looking like permeant dark spots.

  95. I have a big and heavy silver tray, very ornemented and engraved. In the back the writing says:

    Wm. A. Rogers (in a rectangle)
    Made in Canada.
    Lead Mts

    Would you have an idea of approximate year and value (should I put it in a safe or use it :) ) or where I could go on the net to get this information, please?

    If needed, I can send you pictures of it.

    Thank you a million for your time
    Have an Happy and wonderful New Year :)

    1. For all of you asking for age and value:

      The best way to determine age is by seeing a picture of it. Like many other things Silver went through styles that help date the period.

      For help with value I suggest you visit this site:


      This gentleman can help with value and age.

  96. Hi

    I just purchased a set of two beautiful candle sticks with "R.C. & Co. Patent" stamped on them.... very confused who is the producer can it possibly be Roberts Cadman & Co?

  97. listen these things may seem very rare but these spoons and etc are utterly worthless so send them to me look up the silverware on wiki

    1. If these items r utterly worthless (No Value) why would you want everyone to send them to you? Seems kind of weird, sorry if I'm seeing your post in maybe a different way as you see it, but if something is worthless and takes up space in a house, why want it?

    2. I don't know who this commentator is but silver plate still has use value. I use it everyday for my eating utensils. I think they may have been kidding.

  98. I own a teaspoon with the following stamp in the back of the spoon handle:
    WM ROGERS & SON AA teaspoon dated NOV.29.1910
    What is the worth of this piece?
    Thank You

    Please reply to Peter Rosa
    Email: rosapj@AOL.com

  99. Hi. I have what I am guessing is a coffee or tea pot. It has shield imprint on the bottom and is say GUARANTEED BY ROGERS SMITH & CO

    Below that is has 2 patten dates. I believe it says JUNE 13, 1868 AND NOV 30 1868

    It is from my grandmothers belongings and am curious if it is of any signifigance? I have not been able to really find any information other than what you have listed. Most things I have found only have to do with silverware.
    That you very much in advance for any info you can help me with.
    Verna Nachtigal

    1. This is called hollowware (bowls, pitchers, platters, candle sticks) and it was produced at the same time and often in the same patterns as silver-plated utensils. It has use value, historic value and exchange value. Often it is worth significantly more than the utensils because it cost more to initially produce and fewer pieces were made. These pieces also tend to be far more worn than utensils so finding pieces in good condition is rarer.

  100. I have a very decorative meat fork that says Wm. A Rodgers A 1 with the horseshoe after it on the back. I am trying to date it- value doesn't matter but would be nice but it was a family piece I inherited.If you have any idea what years that mark was used it would be very helpful. If I had an email I could send a photo of it to help also. Audrey

    1. My email is above in the comments. You really need a pattern to determine the date.

  101. Hi, I have some silverwear marked wmrogers with a star on one side and an eagle on the other and the pattern is Flair. Can you tell me what date this is from?

    1. We would have to have the pattern name to be able to do that.

  102. I love this website, so much information.
    I have a cake knife with the marking *ROGERS & BROTHER.
    Not brothers, no "S".
    I read your posting and still can't figure out it is silver or plate.
    Thanks for any help you can give.
    my email is shirleyoz@aol.com
    thank you very much

  103. mine is different then all of these, my creamer dish just says ROGERS, then quadruple below then 951 below that nothing else

  104. What good is this site without any replies to the questions?

    1. I don't do this professionally. If you want replies shell out money for an appraisal company. Otherwise suck it up.

  105. Thanks for all your work.I inherited a silver plated 6 piece set F.B. Rodgers. Was dissapointed to find out its silver on cooper. Its in Mint conditon never used includes huge coffee service two tea pitchers sugar cream and waste bowl. Have no idea what to do with it. Any suggestions?

  106. My mother has a fork with a (star)Rogers&Bro. IS on the back. I can't find any info about the star, what year or if this is one of their silver plated items.

    1. I'm experiencing the same thing. I have a serving fork and serving spoon and can't find the pattern any where. (star)Rogers&Bro. Extra Plate Original Rogers Thanks for all the info on this page.

    2. YOu really need to identify a pattern to get an approximate year.

  107. Thanks for all of your research. Very appreciative!

  108. I have a R W MFG CO quadruple plate sugar bowl I am assuming and it is numbered. I can only make out like a 85 43 or 38 43 or 85 0 43 and the 0 is up higher then the other numbers. It is also marked with a symbolof like a thin diamond xing over another thin diamond kind of like a chinese star or I am not sure what it is called???
    Wondering how old this may be and where it is from and what it may be worth?? I cannot find the R W MFG CO anywhere.
    Any help would be appreciated.
    Thank You
    R LEE

  109. I have a berry spoon that looks brass with bows on the stem and at the top of the handle. There is also a bow in the spoon bowl. On the back it says PAT.APLD.FOR EXTRA COIN SILVER PLATE. I cannot find anything on line that looks like it. Any suggestions.


    1. This sounds like a turn of the century pattern. Send me a picture.

  110. I have a cream and sugar that are stamped
    WM Rogers
    Hamilton Ont
    E.P. on COPPER
    Can anyone tell me anything about them

  111. We found some small plates when cleaning out a cupboard, that are stamped with the following
    Eagle WM Rogers Star
    Hamilton ONT
    EP on Copper

    Could you please tell me anything about these?



  112. Richard B. May 22, 2013
    Very nice work however, the one thing I see missing is some basic information about how these manufacturers made their flatware, e.g., there are only some many substrates one can plate silver onto especially during the mid 1800's. What were these companies using most, copper, nickel, brass, or even iron? I have some C. Rogers & Bros butter knives. The blades were obviously silver plated over iron...when plating is gone the blades rust. The hanles however are another situation, I believe they are silver plated but over what? Filing through the handles it looks just like silver all the way through - but I don't thinks so! So what is this shinny metal under the silver plate? If it was copper I would think it would be a little 'orangeish' color. I am sure it is not aluminum and most likely not stainless. Is it 'white' brass? An acid test of the handle reveals a 'red' color and then a more dull color in the center. It gets a bit murky with acid testing when you have less then sterling. One jewler told me it is plated and another said it was silver...I don't think so. Why would these silver companies plate silver over a lower grade silver? Doesn't make sense. The base has got to be a white brass that looks a lot like silver.

    1. You are right about the knives. Many of the dinner knives are SP on steel to hold up to use. In other places on this blog I cover most of the other parts you mention.

  113. I have a set of 1847 spoons by Rogers and Bros., "6." it says. Is this of any significance or value? I have knives and 3 pronged forks also but I do not see markings. Are these ok to make into a wind chime or should they be kept safe?

    1. It depends on the condition and how much you value historic material cultures.

  114. I have 6 forks, 6 large spoons and 6 knives The spoons are marked 1847 Rogers Bros A1 with some stamp after it that I cannot make out. The forks have 1847 Rogers Bros 12.(?)
    I'm trying to figure out what the pattern is. They are ornately decorated with clusters of grapes.

    1. For all of you asking for age and value:

      The best way to determine age is by seeing a picture of it. Like many other things Silver went through styles that help date the period.

      For help with value I suggest you visit this site:


      This gentleman can help with value and age.

  115. Hello.. My name is Jim. I have been researching some silver spoons I have found that I believe to be very old. I don't see on your blog the markings I have on 2 of my spoons. The first spoon is marked C, ROGERS & BROS. X12L. The second spoon I believe is much older and was what appears to be an iron cross of some sort. Much like a large + that's faired on the ends.... then it simply reads W.R. very cool spoons. I enjoy researching thesE items and have found your information helpful. Are these spoons silver plated or solid silver?

  116. I have a chalis that says F.B. Rogers Silver Co. With the crown. But it doesn't say silver on bronze. It's also engraved and says Margaret L.C.D.B.C. 1964 The emblem is on the bottom and says founded in 1883. Is this worth anything?

    1. For all of you asking for age and value:

      The best way to determine age is by seeing a picture of it. Like many other things Silver went through styles that help date the period.

      For help with value I suggest you visit this site:


      This gentleman can help with value and age.

  117. Hi, I have a full tea service, tea pot, sugar, creamer and an extra two handled bowl. All are stamped on the bottom R&R Mfg Co, Quadruple New York and the number 3. When looking through the above list I could not find any R&R. I am trying to find out more about the set and their worth. Thanks!

    1. For all of you asking for age and value:

      The best way to determine age is by seeing a picture of it. Like many other things Silver went through styles that help date the period.

      For help with value I suggest you visit this site:


      This gentleman can help with value and age.

  118. I can't tell you how much I have appreciated reading your blog & all the comments. As a little girl, I went with my mom to all kinds of sales & as my allowance allowed, I would have her buy "pretty" silver or silver-plate utensils for me. I have amassed quite a collection. Now that mom has been dead several years, I've been going through boxes & finding many silver/silver-plate items that I have never seen before...obviously belonging to my grandparents or farther. In researching for those items I remembered my "pretty" things that have been packed away. I'm having a wonderful time researching. Your thoughfulness to share your years of research with the rest of us is so special, and made my own so much easier. Thank you again, so much. :)

    1. Hello,
      I am trying to collect the 1847 Rogers Bros. Vintage Grapes pattern flatware as a gift for my daughter. I am not at expert on this, so I am very confuse when I bid for the pieces on ebay. Some pieces said in the back A1 others tripe xs, I don't understand, are they all the same or not. Thanks

    2. Well thank you. I am glad that silver has a family connection.

    3. There were many popular grape patters that were made for years and years. Manufacturers would change their back stamp and keep making the same pattern. For popular patterns it is very likely to see different stamps with the same pattern.

      On the other hand

      Grape patterns were so popular that multiple manufacturers made some very similar ones.

  119. My boyfriend bought a spoon ring from a flee market in Pennsylvania. I have been doing a lot of research on this piece and haven't really found much about it maybe you can help me out?.. The name on the inside of this piece is WM. A. ROGERS ONEIDA LTD
    Hope to hear back from someone with the correct history!

    1. Now that you know the manufacturer you need to visually identify the pattern (there are a bunch of websites for this) this will tell you the year that this pattern was first made and when it was discontinued. This will give you an approximate age range.

  120. Is (anchor) Rogers (anchor) XII flatware sterling silver or silver plate? This flatware was owned by my great grandparents, apparently bought in the 1890s.

  121. I would love some help. I have my grandmother's silverware it is marked" 1847 rogers bros I S First love". The I and S are in boxes. Trying to find out about it if you could please help me. Thank you.

    1. First Love is the pattern. First made 1937 discontinued int he 1950's. Very popular pattern.

  122. I have small dishes about 1" in diameter they are stamped with the eagle WmROGERSstar hamilton can. ep on copper each has a number 704 my Mom told me they were used for individual after dinner mint dishes or nuts for the men years ago

    1. I would have to see a picture to tell you what kind of dish they are but nut dishes used to be a popular piece of hollowware.
