Friday, April 30, 2010

!847 Rogers Brothers Charter Oak Advertisment. Perason's 1907

A New Pattern
in a Famous Brand
CHARTER OAK is the name of the newest
pattern in" 11.17 ROGERS DROS." " Silver Plate
that Wears." Particularly appropriate is this
name for the pattern brought out in the 6oth
anniversary year of the original Rogers
Brothers ware, which was first made iu 1847
in Hartford, the home of the Charter Oak. "1847 Rogers Bros:
knives, spoons, forks, etc., enjoy the distinc-
tion of being the best in silver plate. The
Charter Oak pattern is noteworthy in
the richness and finish of the design,
which is a combination of Bright and
French Gray, giving to the various pieces
an unusual degree of beauty anil charac-
ter. Send for Catalogue " J-38 " show.-
ing this and the other leading patterns.
(International Silver Co., Successor.)

1 comment:

  1. I have a place setting for 6 of 1847 Rogers Bros. X11 Charter Oak silverware from 1910. What is its value? If you need pictures, I can send them.
